The Contributors

Mark Errington - Co-owner and CEO

Mark Errington joined OASYS in 2005. He has a wealth of international experience gained from his previous roles in software, telecommunications, networking and video conferencing. 

Throughout his career Mark has always maintained a strategic involvement, in sales, operational and financial roles including buying and selling companies in a career spanning startups to MNCs. 

As one of two owners of the holding company he leads the OASYS team in continuing the development and delivery of IT broadcast workflow and automated playout solutions that the company originally launched in the 1990s. 

Glyn Bartlett, Head of Business Development

With over 20 years of international and regional sales, marketing and channel development experience, Glyn Bartlett has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to bringing technology develpments to the market and feeding back customer requirements to development organisations to deliver customer centric functionality. 

Prior to joining OASYS he worked for a host of leading names including Snell & Wilcox, Applied Media Group and Thorn EMI.

His role within OASYS is to drive new business opportunities IT based broadcast workflow solutions around the world by growing the company's worldwide dealer network.

Herbert Brenninkmeijer, Co-owner and Chairman

With over 30 years experience in international marketing as well as private equity investments, Herbert brings a wealth of experience to the OASYS team, both in his role as co-owner and non executive Chairman of the holding company.